Though your appetite will doubtlessly fade into the background for a while having duly celebrated the famous Oberjäger breakfast menu, hankerings for a bite to eat can occur unexpectedly at practically any time! But that is when we are happy to step in to satisfy your culinary cravings, also meaning you don’t have to leave our Schloss ensemble if you prefer not to. Which we thoroughly understand. Although you have the evening and thus the entire castle to yourself, we are glad to prepare the widest variety of tidbits for your dining pleasure. Be that a platter of wild game with products from the Esterhazy hunting grounds, goulash of organic Angus beef from Restaurant Henrici or other regional specialties.
And sometimes we simply cook for those who happen to be here at the time. Just like at home. If you would like to know in advance where, how and what you will eat, write us an email and we will custom-tailor your culinary stay. And whenever you become a little snacky between meals, you are welcome to pick vegetables from our own garden as you please.

Sollten Sie später am Abend anreisen oder den Abend im Gästehaus ausklingen lassen, bereiten wir auf Anfrage gerne eine kalte Platte mit regionalen Produkten von Pannatura für Sie vor.